Ok, for the last few days we have had sunshine in West Virginia! Maybe we will get some summer in after all!
So here are some GET OUTSIDE and HAVE FUN IN THE SUN activities for kids.
Get out there before it rains again!
Paint the Car!
On a sunny day, what can be more fun than painting your car? No need for paper or canvas or anything. Grab some homemade paint, pour it into buckets, and let the kids go wild.
When you are done, wash it off.
(and don’t forget to take pictures!)
Play in Water!
Ok, a kiddie pool is the quintessential fun summer water toy. But yes, it can get old. So here are some kick-it-up-a-notch suggestions.
Some things to add to the pool:
water color
measuring cups/recycled plastic jars/plastic bottles
squirt guns
adult sized house-painting brushes
shaving cream
corn starch
soap and bubble wands
corn-starch or potato-starch peanuts (that dissolve in water – not styrafoam which is a choke hazard)
Try these ideas to keep kiddies in the pool, getting nice and tired, all day long…
Big Art on the Grass!
Summertime means paint outside. Throw down an old sheet, an old tablecloth (all cheap to find at summer garage sales), or old towels! Make some homemade paint, and then let the kids go.
In the pic, the mom gave the kids some old cardboard for painting, but her sons went wild and painted all over the place.

And LOOK at the result! Save the fabric to cover your table in the winter!
Paint with your FEET!
In the big art outside vein, don’t forget the fun of being barefoot! Get paint on your kids’ toes, and make the greatest pictures.
Make some homemade paint.
Grab an old sheet or towels or use paper bags from the grocery, or old cardboard boxes.
Put the paint in some old tubs for the kids to step in. Or use brushes and let kids paint their own toes!
And Voila!
Make Plaster Casts!

While your kids have painted toes, try mixing some plaster of paris (cheap at Walmart or a hardware store). Follow the directions on the plaster that you buy! And remember NEVER pour old plaster down your drain!
Mix the plaster according to directions.
Pour onto a paper plate.
Wait about two minutes, and then have your child press their foot into the plaster, but careful not to go to the bottom of the plate. Help your child stay in the squishy part!
Wait about a minute, or less if you have a wiggly kid on your hands.
Gently help your child pull their foot straight up, leaving their print. It is easy to smear, and this can still create a great piece of art, so no worries.
Let the plaster dry 24 hours and then peel away the plate.
Let your child paint the cast of their foot!
Hang a picture hook on the back to hang it on the wall.
And if you have a sand box, or sand tub, get super easy casts:
Just pour plaster into your child’s prints in the sand:

Never forget the wonderful fun to be had with water balloons!
And watermelons with real seeds…
Enjoy the sunshine everybody!